H2 Spring Boot configuration

We are going to understand how to configure Spring Boot in order to connect with an H2 Database.

What is an H2 Database

H2 is a lightweight Java database.
It is tiny, simple, and can be embedded in our Spring Boot application easily.
The H2 DB does not need the installation of database servers or complex configurations. H2 Database can be used in memory, without writing data on disk.
This is useful for testing and temporary data storage during the development phases. It is fast, open source pure writing in Java and supports standard SQL. H2 is not recommended for data storage in production.

What dependencies do we need to use H2 with Spring Boot?

We are going to use these dependencies:


Spring Boot H2 Configuration

In order to configure Spring Boot, we need to add this property in our application.properties file.


Notice that we are configuring the DB in memory.

Spring Boot H2 Config

How to configure H2 to persist in a file?

We said that H2 is used in memory. However, we can also configure H2 to persist in a file.

# h2 file
# with path and file

With this config, a file will be created and the data will be persisted in that file.

Spring Boot H2 config

H2 URL Console

H2 provides a basic but convenient admin console with which we can visualize our database schema, tables, and data.

By default, the console is disabled, but with this property, you can enable it.

#enable console 

How to access to H2 GUI

When Spring Boot starts with this property evaluated in true, we will be able to see the H2 URL to access the admin console.

Spring Boot H2 config

In this case, Spring Boot started in “localhost:8080” so the h2 URL is


If you want, you can change the default h2 URL /h2-console with this property.

Spring Boot H2 config

In the init form, you have to change the JDBC URL, username, and password according to the information in the property file.

Spring Boot H2 config

The H2 interface provides you access to the database in order to visualize and perform all the SQL queries you need.



H2 is an excellent solution to start developing an application faster, test it, and debug it.

We have seen how to configure and use an H2 database in Spring Boot both, in memory and in a file. Also how to open the H2 GUI in order to visualize and run SQL sentences.

For further reference, please consider the following url: H2 Engine Spring Boot

Check the source code of this example

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