SOLID is the acronym for five basic principles that intend to make software design it is simpler and easier to understand and also reduces maintenance costs.
[Read More]SOLID Dependency inversion principle
According to this principle, Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), there should be no dependencies between modules, especially between low-level and high-level modules.
[Read More]SOLID Interface segregation principle
This principle about Interface segregation principle (ISP) says that any client should not be required to depend on methods they do not use.
[Read More]SOLID Liskov substitution principle
The Liskov substitution principle (LSP) is an object-oriented design principle that states that a subclass must be interchangeable with its superclass without changing the program’s behavior.
[Read More]SOLID Open/closed principle
The open/closed principle (OCP) says that every class, module, method, etc. should be open for an extension but must be closed for modification.
[Read More]SOLID Single responsibility principle
This principle refers to the unique responsibility that each program should have with a specific and limited task.
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