SOLID is the acronym for five basic principles that intend to make software design it is simpler and easier to understand and also reduces maintenance costs.
What is SOLID in software development:
The SOLID principles are a valuable set of guidelines for developing high-quality software.
Developers can create software that is easier to understand, maintain, and extend by adhering to these principles.
SOLID aims to achieve high cohesion and low association in our programs.
Let’s look at examples of what each principle is about and how to use it.
- S — Single responsibility principle
- O — Open/closed principle
- L — Liskov substitution principle
- I — Interface segregation principle
- D — Dependency inversion principle
Single responsibility principle
This principle refers to the unique responsibility that each program should have with a specific and limited task. Read more
Open/closed principle
The open/closed principle says that every class, module, method, etc. should be open for an extension but must be closed for modification. Read more
Liskov substitution principle
The Liskov substitution principle says If we have a class A and a class B that inherits from A, we can use an object of B where an object of A is expected and the program will still work properly. Read more
Interface segregation principle
This principle about “segregated interfaces” says that any client should not be required to depend on methods they do not use. Read more
Dependency inversion principle
This principle about the inversion of dependencies allows us to decouple different modules of software. Read more